Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Strange WinME Startup Program Issue

We're scratching our heads a bit at this particular problem, wondering if anyone out there has any experience with this particular issue.

It seems that on boot, on a older Windows ME installation, not all of the startup programs will run. In particular Norton Internet Security will just sometimes not start. No systray icon, nothing... If you start the Norton program, you will find that the firewall and antivirus auto-protect features are disabled. You can enable them, and work normally, but it takes you launching the application and telling the firewall/anti-virus to 'turn on.' There are no error messages during boot. My thoughts, ditch the ME since we all know that wasn't Microsoft's best day, but the customer dearly loves his system, so that's out!

Still working on this problem, so we'll update the article when we have a solution!

UPDATE: We were able to finally resolve this particular problem. In the end, it took completely uninstalling the product, including live update, and all other Symantec programs. Once the visible items in add/remove programs were removed, the technicians searched the directory structure and removed items such as the Symantec Shared directories,etc; the left over Norton folders in the Program Files directory, and cleared all user and system temp folders. Once this had been done, the program was reinstalled, and ran on startup, enabled, without any problems. We are elated that this problem was resolved, as the only other option was to reformat and start over from the beginning, which is a headache even for the seasoned users!

Xerox XC865

We have at the store a Xerox XC865 Workcenter unit which is prompting for a new fuser. After installing a new fuser, the unit continues to prompt for a new fuser. Check back soon to see what to do to resolve this error.

UPDATE: After further investigation, the unit did not have a fuser error, but a drum error message. I feel embarrassed I didn't catch this from the get go, but at the same time Xerox's user and service documentation is a little lacking. It seems that even after replacing a drum unit, you must manually enter a service mode on the unit and reset its counter. I could be wrong, and something may have gone wrong when the customer installed the new drum, but that is what was required for the unit to work without a flashing red light on the control panel. Once the counter was reset the unit worked fine without any errors.

Ref: https://www.partsdrop.com/store/info.php?osCsid=07bc421462f9ff054adeb8a8a2c79b2f

Great source for diagnosing the error codes, or clearing some error messages.


This will be a blog (when we get it all up and going finally) where we document some of the more interesting, and technical repairs that we face at our computer service store, Compuworld.

We welcome you to come in, take a look around (not much to see as of this moment, but just wait!) and see if we can help shed some light on whatever problems you are facing.

Be sure you check back soon, as we hope to have some valuable technical information to share with everyone soon!